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5 Ways to Build AI-powered Chatbots for Your Website
Chatbots are becoming an essential need for businesses. This blog overviews how various types of Chatbots can be designed to facilitate customer queries.
You still have questions about the Metaverse and you know it
We could say that the metaverse will evolve into the Internet we know today. It will offer us a world of possibilities creating a great social network within this virtual reality. How will we, the users, benefit from this new reality? Let’s take a look at it below.
Crazy about design!
We are proud to share with you some great stuff. It is one of the creations of Juan Carlos Torres, Team Leader-Creative Designer. Read more here!
AI chatbots take care of customers (very well, besides)
Customers have become highly demanding of companies, with little or no waiting time for getting their queries answered. They do not care if they talk to a robot or a human as long as they can get their questions replied sooner. Supporting customers is no longer a monumental task with newer technologies such as artificial intelligence and visual search.
5 Key Elements of Mobile-First Design
There are five key elements when it comes to making an excellent mobile-first design. Learn more here!
Digital marketing for a good start
Marketers have been juggling customer acquisition and retention goals for a long time. However, the pandemic has caused a sea change in customer engagement preferences and elevated the digital experience to a central role in social and professional relationships. Learn more here!
Intelligence In Digital Banking: Things You Should Know About
With the power of new technologies, digital banking constantly introduces new ways for businesses, clients, and banking providers to manage finances. Here’s what you should know about intelligence in digital banking.
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