Our Blog

The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Sports
Emotional intelligence is becoming a focal point in sports leadership. Sports leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence are key in motivating teams.
Technology and women, who empower whom?
Women are protagonists worldwide. Now more than ever, she leads the conversation and plays an essential role in society....
Sports, an industry driven by passion.
The way we enjoy sports has evolved, and the future of this big industry founds new opportunities in the digital economy....
How Is Technology Transforming Payments?
Artificial intelligence, greater adoption of mobile devices, and the Internet of Things have changed customers’ demands. Modern shoppers are tech-savvy. They expect brands to provide them with greater convenience, personalization, and connectivity. And, payments are no exception.Â
Telecoming wins Best Digital Entertainment Innovation Award at AfricaCom 2019
We are proud to announce that yesterday we won the Best Digital Entertainment Innovation AfricaCom 2019 Award!
A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!
According to the European Payments Council, Sweden is going to become the first cashless society because digital money is more used than cash. The largest country in Northern Europe has a very developed structure of electronic payments, including an own system, called Swish.
Download the 3rd edition of our European report on Direct Carrier Billing
We are glad to present the third edition of our DCB European report, under the name “Latest Trends On Direct Carrier Billing, A Consolidated Market With Great Growth Potential”.
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