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Latest trends and the near future of eSports

Latest trends and the near future of eSports

The eSports industry is now a trailblazer for the future of competitive gaming and a testament to the immense potential of technology in revolutionizing traditional sports. As a sports technology company, we are thrilled to be part of this vibrant industry’s journey, committed to fostering the growth and evolution of eSports globally.

Sports ticketing purchase is mobile

Sports ticketing purchase is mobile

Sport is more digital than ever; that’s why we have carried out an analysis of the Spanish market. In Spain, the turnover of digital sports tickets will surpass € 310M this year.

How Is Technology Transforming Payments?

How Is Technology Transforming Payments?

Artificial intelligence, greater adoption of mobile devices, and the Internet of Things have changed customers’ demands. Modern shoppers are tech-savvy. They expect brands to provide them with greater convenience, personalization, and connectivity. And, payments are no exception. 

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