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Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Rouge Agency drives digital transformation

Our Agency Director, Verónica Hernández, speaks to El Publicista about the promising future that the advertising market is facing thanks to the irruption of new technologies.

About telco and content

About telco and content

Some of the features that Think with Google shares can be easily applicable to other industries, like the way we contact with brands. In 2018, 77% of users had to contact their telecommunications provider. Although in 2017 they mainly did it on the phone, last year they did it over the phone and on the web.

Viralize your content!

Viralize your content!

Successful content is the one that runs like wildfire through our social networks. There are a lot of factors affecting the reach of our publications. Here there are some tips to spread your content virally.

From Influencers Marketing to Audience Marketing

From Influencers Marketing to Audience Marketing

As experts in the advertising industry, we understand the importance of social networks in marketing strategies. Addressing the audience that we’re really interested in is the great lesson that the digital market has recently left us. It is not surprising that Influencer Marketing is such a powerful tool to connect with your audience.

Worldwide ePublishing revenues will exceed $10B in 2019

Worldwide ePublishing revenues will exceed $10B in 2019

Digital content is gaining more and more relevance, and ePublishing is one of the most exciting sectors. That’s why we have carried out a new study focused on ePublishing (newspapers, magazines and digital books) and its impact on the global market.

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