RevoluSOUND with ETX Studio: Telecoming breaks into the world of augmented audio

We are happy to announce our agreement with ETX Studio to use augmented audio technology in our digital experiences. The first service, launched in France, transforms the AFP world press agency’s text content (news, reports, newsletters) into audio products. Thanks to technology that uses semantic AI, users can quickly and easily access high-quality audio content under a subscription model and billed through mobile operators (Direct Carrier Billing).
With ETX Studio, a pioneering augmented audio platform, Telecoming makes a qualitative leap on our experiences by incorporating podcast services. 51% of the Spanish population listens to podcasts, and content creators are looking for new forms of monetization, either through a free model with advertising or a subscription model. We are a digital company that seeks to offer innovative models to monetize this content.
According to Nicolás Giménez, Global Partnership Director of Telecoming, “we rely on ETX Studio, a major player in audio augmentation services. The implementation of ETX technology allows us to transform quality content in a scalable way and control costs. Mobility brings new forms of consumption, and audio takes over“. In addition, “this new format reaches more users than video, becoming an opportunity that content companies should not miss. Monetizing this trend is an exciting challenge for Telecoming because we are an innovation-driven company.“
“ETX Studio, the pioneer of revoluSOUND, has taken advantage of the innovation of Telecoming, and we are obtaining excellent results in the development of its services. As long-time AFP partners, we are more convinced than ever of the need to combine high-quality content and technological innovation,” says Jérôme Doncieux, founder and CEO of ETX Studio.
Audio consumption once again set a new record. According to Edison Research, 41% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly, up 37% from a year ago. 28% of those surveyed consume it every week, increasing 24 points in one year.
The implementation of augmented audio is proof of Telecoming’s commitment, present in 21 countries, to develop mobile experiences for operators and brands that operate in the digital sector. With this technology, which will be implemented in other countries, Telecoming takes a new step in our commitment to innovation.