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Social networks as drivers of human relations

Social networks as drivers of human relations

Networks are an easy and effective way of disseminating content, whether informative or entertaining, responding to it, and sharing it with people worldwide. In other words, social networks facilitate and develop the creation of relationships between international companies.

How Is Technology Transforming Payments?

How Is Technology Transforming Payments?

Artificial intelligence, greater adoption of mobile devices, and the Internet of Things have changed customers’ demands. Modern shoppers are tech-savvy. They expect brands to provide them with greater convenience, personalization, and connectivity. And, payments are no exception. 

A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!

A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!

According to the European Payments Council, Sweden is going to become the first cashless society because digital money is more used than cash. The largest country in Northern Europe has a very developed structure of electronic payments, including an own system, called Swish.

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