Rouge Agency, our AdTech agency, has carried out an analysis of the digital advertising industry and its promising future. At the end of this year, the investment in digital advertising in Europe will reach €57.232M, with a growth rate of 22% year-on-year until 2023, when the digital advertising market will surpass € 125.332M

The European investment in digital advertising currently represents around 21% of the world market that will reach € 268,000M in 2019 and will grow to € 472,770M in 2023.

Investment in mobile advertising on the rise

According to the analysis of Rouge AdTech, at the end of this year, there will be more than 1,000M of European users consuming mobile advertising. In 2023, 3 out of every 10 euros invested in mobile advertising will go to Europe.

Investment in mobile advertising accounts for 21% of the sector in Europe and, in 2019, the turnover will reach € 32,500M. In 2023 it will exceed € 88,800M. The upward trend is global: the mobile advertising industry will invoice € 155,634 M at the end of 2019 worldwide and will exceed € 292,000 in four years. The growth rate of mobile advertising investment over the next four years is higher in Europe than in the rest of the world (30% vs 26%).

Fraud, the highest threat of the industry

Digital advertising fraud costs Europe about € 6,850M today. In 2023 this loss will be around € 19.4 B in Europe. Currently, artificial intelligence eliminates 12.5% of fraud, a ratio that will increase to 20% in 4 years thanks to technological developments.

According to Verónica Hernández, Director Rouge AdTech Agency, “Fraud prevention is essential to develop effective digital advertising. It is impossible to fight against it without relying on technological innovation. It’s not just about protecting the brand, it’s also about protecting the business. We must move from Brand Safety to Business Safety and safeguard the ads themselves to avoid fraud in advertising investment. We have already developed technology that protects the ad against malicious traffic: if there is no impression or click, there is no cost.”