The Mobile Industry’s Impact over the European Economy

The mobile ecosystem is one of the fastest growing ones in terms of innovations with a huge social and economic impact behind it. There is no doubt about the decisive role of the telecommunications services in society. Connectivity and mobility are driven by its actors, as we already discussed in a previous post. Some market forecasts for telecommunications revenues are more conservative than they used to be, due to the fact that the sector is going through a stabilization period.
If in 2015 the European telecommunications services industry registered €268 billion, this exact figure remained the same in 2016 and forecasts for 2019 point out that they will reach €277 billion. This portrays that in terms of revenue, the market seems to be going through a stable consolidation phase.
More precisely, the mobile industry has a billionaire contribution towards the overall European economy. In fact, in 2017 the overall contribution of the mobile industry in Europe reached €565 billion. According to GSMA, these numbers are expected to keep on escalating and by 2019, the mobile business impact over Europe is expected to increase to €638 billion.
In terms of the social impact of the mobile industry’s behaviour over the overall European job market, it’s worth highlighting that in 2016 the employment impact of the mobile industry and the mobile operators in Europe generated 2.6 million jobs. (1.1 were direct and 1.5 indirect.)
At Telecoming we are active participants in the mobile ecosystem as mobile marketing performance specialists, mobile content partners and mobile payments technology developers. In this sense, our CEO, Cyrille Thivat states that “we are fully committed with young qualified employment creation and retention, as well as contributing towards the Spanish and European economic fabrics”
Our collective efforts, as players, across the powerful European mobile ecosystem is essential to carry on promoting an industry which has a huge growth potential as well as a growing social and economic impact. Let’s carry on growing together!