5 Tips to Keep Your Personal Information Safe While Surfing the Internet

Written by Alejandra Guerrero
Legal Manager at Telecoming
As the Internet continues to evolve, so do the risks associated with it. Malware, phishing, data breaches, and identity theft are the order of the day. Effective Internet security involves a combination of strong passwords, encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, and user awareness to safeguard sensitive information and ensure a safe online experience. In an increasingly connected world, prioritizing Internet security is essential for individuals, businesses, and governments alike to mitigate risks and maintain trust in digital systems.
To celebrate the European Data Protection Day we would like to share with you some tips to keep your personal data safe and avoid the misuse of your personal information on the Internet.
Configure Your Privacy Settings on Social Networks
Make sure you check the privacy settings on the social networks you use. Limit who can see your information and control the permissions you grant to connected applications. Less access means more protection.
Beware of AI Tools and Chatbots
When interacting with artificial intelligence tools, avoid sharing personal or sensitive information. Everything you type can be stored and analyzed.
Disable Auto-Completion of Forms
The autocomplete feature can be very useful, but also a risk if someone accesses your device. It is better to always type the data manually for better security.
Avoid Using Social Networks to Log In to Other Services
Although convenient, using your social media accounts to log in to other platforms may expose more personal information than you realize. Choose to create unique credentials for each platform you use.
Exercise Your Right to be Forgotten
You can directly ask the companies that process your personal data to delete it based on the General Data Protection Regulation when it is visible on the Internet. You have the right to protect your privacy!
By following these simple steps you will avoid possible dangers like malware, phishing, data breaches, or identity theft. Stay safe!